A Witch who can turn herself into a bird to become a
sorcerers messenger. In order to fly and avoid recognition by humans she slims
down by vomiting her intestines into a pan leaving them well hidden in the
forest and takes on the shape of a bird. She can fly without a magic stick.
Some believe that Voladora actually remains on the ground whilst the devil
flies for her.
This nocturnal messenger fills the air with unpleasant cries or hysterical
laughing. Her missions end at dawn when she must land and retrieve her
intestines in order to regain human form. If she fails to find them she is
condemned to remain in this form for the rest of her life, which will not be
The cry of Voladora is like that of a wounded animal or grieving woman. A
neighbourhood may hear it like the cry of a bird it will leave a legacy of bad
luck and death.