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This young bull is similar to a unicorn, his skin like quicksilver with a short golden horn ("cacho") glowing in the moonlight.

Those that have seen him say he is lithe, agile and very beautiful. He is born and lives in watery grottoes or in marshy lakes. Here he grows towards adulthood. At the age of 25 he migrates towards the sea. In making this journey he wreaks havoc with vegetation and crops. When someone discovers this happening he looks for a "Machi" or wizard who will lasso Camahueto with a length of kelp and lead him peacefully to the water. Only those who understand the magic can handle Camahueto. At full moon they can catch him and pull out his horn converting him into a docile calf. In reward for his services the Machi receives money or herbs and the horn of Camahueto.

Shavings from the horn are said to have medicinal powers and are used to prepare magic ointments that can cure skin diseases, rheumatism, anaemia and other conditions. However an excess of this powder can make the patient "encamahuetado", a madness similar to schizophrenia, in which the sufferer develops spots, red eyes and froth at the mouth.