In Chiloé,
witches have an institution called "Recta Provincia" the headquarters
being a cave near the town of Quicaví, known as "Cueva de Quicaví",
which is guarded by "Invunche".
A witch is an enemy to good folk. The power of witches lies in their great
knowledge of black magic that can be very effective on the incredulous. They
can fly upon their glowing "Macuñ".
Thanks to great mental powers they can transform themselves into birds or
animals, place people or creatures in a trance or raise and lower the sea
level. They can cause illness and death, even at a distance and can create such
mischief as to make their enemies fall from a horse.
Some have it in their power to exterminate entire families. To watch their victims they use an instrument
called the "challanco". To
enter the group and become a witch it is necessary to wash away baptism in a
waterfall for 40 days, kill a loved one and make a pact with the devil, who
will set a date for delivery of the soul. The latter pact must be singed in the
person's own blood. After accomplishing these tasks the witch can start to
practice the "art".